Everything we do serves our community
We have undertaken hundreds of projects to upgrade and purchase new equipment and materials for Rosthern Hospital and staff. Every year new needs are identified and brought to us, and we make sure it happens, with your help.
Thank You
The Rosthern Lions Club has generously donated $3,500 to purchase a Video Laryngoscope
This equipment will assist the doctors in treating critically ill patients by allowing them to more easily and safely intubate when needed.
Digital X-Ray Equipment Ribbon Cutting
30 November 2018
A major accomplishment for us was to complete the installation of the new digital X-Ray equipment in the hospital. The upgraded equipment allows doctors to be able to diagnose issues and comminicate much more quickly and effectively resulting in greatly improved patient care.
With your help we raised $100,000 to make this possible!
Some of our highlights from the last few years...
Blanket Warmer
Having a hot supply of warm blankets is not only good for patient comfort, but also, in situations where a patient comes in who has been exposed to the cold. Whether it is an accident victim, a hypothermia case or a small child who needs comfort, the blanket warmer is always ready to help.
Training Manikin
The programmable, full size human replica can be set to imitate different conditions in training scenarios. It could be having a heart attack or suffering from any number of conditions that the hospital staff will need to identify and treat. It keeps the crisis skills sharp.
Sleeper Chairs
If a loved one or a child is in the hospital and you don't want to leave their side you can now get some better rest. The chairs convert into a bed so that family and support do not have to leave the side of the one they love and they can also get a good night's sleep. Patient care isn't always about just the patient.
Wheelchair Scale
If you or your loved one is in a wheelchair you don't want to have to transfer in and out for simple tasks like getting weight measurements. We have made sure that this is not needed. Now it is a simple task to monitor weight if your mobility is limited.
Portable Ultrasound
The portable, digital device allows doctors to quickly scan and detect damage to internal organs. This device can save time and help identify problems that can save lives. Previously patients would have had to be transported to another facility if an issue was suspected.
Vital Signs Monitors
Used extensively, every day we have made sure that there are enough monitors and that they are replaced when needed to always ensure the best care is delivered when you need it. We never compromise when your health is on the line.
These are just a handful of the projects successfully completed in the last few years. There are many, many more! Some are more glamorous than others but each and every one has the same purpose: To improve the experience of patients that are treated at the Rosthern Hospital, whether it is equipping the health care professionals or by improving the comfort and experience of the patients and those who love them.
Doesn't the Health Region Supply these Items?
While the Saskatchewan Health Authority does provide a lot of support to the hospital in terms of financial aid and capital investment it is also restricted by budget constraints and so it cannot meet every need. It is for this reason that the Rosthern Hospital Foundation was formed.
The Rosthern Hospital has a desire to provide the absolute best care possible, and so, when a need is identified if the health region is unable to help the foundation steps in.
For some projects there are partnerships and the health region will contribute part of the cost, in others it comes 100% from the donations received by you and our community of support.
With your help we have raised and invested over $375 000 since 2013
So what's next?
Our next project is to replace the bath tub that serves patients with mobility issues. It's time to replace the current one and the new one will come highly recommended, with a lift and will meet the needs of all the patients who need to take advantage of it.
We would love to be able to purchase this in 2019!